Friday, January 28

Grim Reaper

We all know about the Grim Reaper, right?
I thought about "him" a lot.
Not about death, just about who the Grim Reaper is.
Everyone thinks differently of him, I believe.
I do not know that for sure of course.
However, there are some things, that don't differ:

- Scythe
- Robe
- Bony fingers

But that's it. We all know what Grim looks like, but we don't know the personality.
So, time for me to write a 'lil article about "him".

I think he's just a nice guy who has been given an awful job.
Many people are given awful jobs all the time. Why couldn't Grim be one of them. Certain jobs just need to be done, so you just pick a person.

I also believe that Grim doesn't actually kill people.
I think he cuts the soul from the dead body so it is free to do whatever it should after the body is dead.

Just sharing, right?

Tuesday, January 25


Every Wednesday I take my bow and my arrows for some practice at the local archery club. I always love Wednesday. But recently (Archery starts at 19:30) we couldn't manage to make it in time anymore, or we would have to have dinner on different times: me and my mother 18:30, my father and brother 19:00.

And so we did.

I am just glad that I didn't have to sacrifice achery.

It is just weird that these kind of things happen so often.
I believe society has a chronic communication problem.

What to do about it?
I wish I knew.

Tuesday, January 18


Once opun a time a very random thing happens to somebody.
Random things happen to somebody quite more often than that, but its a funny phrase, so I still put it there anyway.
A random thing which has happened to me, is this:

GameMaker came into my life, connected to YoYoGames.
(- How is that random?
 - It isn't.
 - But you said....
 - Wait and see. Or rather wait and read.)
I made a lot of terrific games but I have only oploaded three so far.

Now for the random bit:
GameMaker came into my life once more, not at all connected to YoYoGames.
What is was connected to?
1) The chance that Informatics is taught as a subject on a school is not THAT big.
2) The chance that GameMaker is treated as a project within the Informatics course is not big either.
But let it be clear that those two things actually happened to me.
Yes, I do think so.

So, what we must do:
We must develop a game that promotes our school, particularly focused on that our "college" (2ndary school) is quite okay with computers.
First thing to do:
Download a complete set of pokémon images (sprites) that can be used in our game.

That's how far we got until now.
And it's still getting more and more random.

Sunday, January 16


Just made this thing (The pic at least..) 'bout yesterday. Play the game at See the picture beneath.

Empire Earth

I like games.
To give an example, I like Empire Earth.

To prove this I'll post some screenies:


Saturday evening means to me as much as:
"Watching a movie on TV while eating some crisps and drinking some beer."
(Note: Where I live, beer is legal at the age of 16+.)
It was Saturday, yesterday:
So, we had dinner.
After dinner, I went to my friend to tell him about my new blog.
At 20:30 I was home again.
I sat on the sofa looking up the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Read about Ford, Arthur, and a lot of other guys again.
As relaxed as I was, I totally forgot about Saturday eve.
So I put my book aside, turn on the TV.
Look up Teletext for news (would have been my first news in weeks).
Then... suddenly!
Nothing happened.
Still nothing happened.
I thought: "Why does nothing happen?" because I was out of my concentration.
I should be out of my concentration for SOME reason, but appearently there was none.
Then my dad came in, carrying a bottle of beer and some crisps.
Never thought I would forget something like that.
Something as vitally important to my mental condition as a few hours of the Lord of the Rings or something similar every week?
Nah, impossible.
But is impossible so impossible as it seems?
I think we are just using the wrong word 99% of the time.
Is that random or not?
So, then I had my Saturday eve's beer, crisps, movie...
And we all lived happily ever after.