Hi. Let me introduce myself.
I am GameSaucer.
- I don't think that ought to be a lot of information.
Hey, but that's not all:
I am a teen and I like games.
That's better, eh?
- Well, it's still not much...
I made this blog, to post things, that just pop into my mind.
You know, the random stuff.
Life, in fact, entirely exists of series of random events.
This means, that if you will become a frequent reader of this blog, you will learn a lot about who I actually am.
- If you want to know, that is.
But I will also include things within my posts that might be interesting.
But "interesting" is another meaningless word.
What might be interesting for one of you, might occur to be total rubbish to the other.
I'll see what will happen.
Just relax and enjoy.
- Or relax and get annoyed.
Ah, the randomness of life.