Friday, June 17

Exams... It's been a while!

The results for my exams are in!
Yay, I made it!
I can continue now and start at my HBO (Dutch, Higher Profession Education, where you learn about a certain subject, Informatics, in my case.)
So, I don't know what happens in other countries, but in the Netherlands we use to put out schoolbag somewhere outside so everyone can see it. That means you're graduated. (Did I spell that right? Or did I spell it left? Ah, whatever!)
Now for my notes:

Dutch:   6,5   6,9   7
English:   7,6   8,6   8
Cultural & Esthetical Education:   Good
Physical Education:   Okay
Combination note*)   7
Society Education:   6   6
Levensbeschouwing (Dutch, philosophy)   7   7
profile paper (Did that translate right?)   7
Filosofie (Dutch, philosophy, WTF?)   7,0   6,1   7

That gives me an average of 7,125. Great!